URU-The Lost Civilisation of Australia
Excerpts From The Book-Chapter 18
Australantis Rising-Return Of The Lost Gods

Rex Gilroy standing beside the second granite head situated 15 m from the Nim head
This image is that of "Nif"- The Uruan Earth Mother Goddess
Both heads display great age

URU-The Lost Civilisation of Australia-Book Cover

Atlantis Rising - Return Of The Lost Gods

The civilisation of Uru vanished for a number of reasons. Within Australia its settlements and major culture centres in many areas were gradually abandoned, an event which seems to have rapidly followed the arrival of Bronze-Age mineral-seeking colonists from the Middle-East. Intermixture with the Aboriginal population resulting in the disappearance of the Uru racially does not seem likely, although it must have occurred to some degree in the course of their history. Inter-breeding with the Bronze-Age colonists, once friendly relations were established is one likelihood, and possibly large numbers of the Uru, having mixed with the newcomers, could have sailed with them, to Pacific lands and elsewhere.

Terraced Hill Terraced Hill
Terraced Hill
Terraced Hill
Terraced Hill
Terraced Hill

Three Modified Pyramid Hills
Pyramydal Hills
Hills believed to have been modified by the Uru into four-sided pyramids cover Australia.
These three were discovered by the Gilroys in the Rockhampton region of Queensland and
stand on an east-west axis. Photo © Rex Gilroy 2004.

Pyramid Hill Pyramid Hill
Pyramid Hill Pyramid Hill
Pyramid Hill Pyramid Hill

Carved Head of "Nim" - God of the Sun






Atlantis Rising - Return Of The Lost Gods [continued]

Or for the home ports when the mining colonies were abandoned, in the wake of the Colonists’ own civilisation’s collapse in the Old World. The power of the Uruan monarchs waned with the arrival and peaceful or otherwise occupation of the land by the newcomers, who also introduced advanced astronomical instrumentation, such as the cross-staff and other simplified inventions, which overnight would have made the erection of great alignments of standing stones unnecessary as we have seen.

Thus masses of workers were no longer needed and the megalithic sites fell into disuse. It is also possible that around this time Uruan astronomers might have developed a more advanced instrumentation of their own which we have yet to discover. Perhaps as the Aboriginal population increased, their attacks on isolated communities would have forced the Uruans to abandon these areas for larger populated centres elsewhere.

And as the heartland of Australia became arid with the drying up of the rivers and lakes in the last stages of the Ice-Age, the Uru would have abandoned the interior for moister regions closer to the coast. The submergence of the land-bridges, which saw great culture centres vanish beneath the rising seas, particularly between New Guinea southward to New Zealand [ie Wainga-roa] certainly had a devastating effect upon the displaced Uru of those regions, and much later, the great Taupo volcanic eruption, yet all these events in themselves would not have been enough to totally destroy this civilisation.

The great migrations northward beyond Australia, which saw the spread of the civilisation across the Old World, and eventually across the Pacific to the Americas, would have reduced the population somewhat at home, yet as late as the arrival of the Bronze Age colonists, the Uruan monarchs could still command great numbers of people to erect their monuments. And there is evidence that the Uru lingered on in many parts of Australia long after the departure of the visitors, erecting temples and astronomical observatories, where their astronomer priests worked with the more simplified wooden instruments.

The occasional discoveries of ancient hand-grounded magnifying crystal lenses at widely-scattered locations across Australia could suggest Uruan astronomers had developed the crudest of telescopic devices. The questions surrounding the disappearance of the Uru are similar to those often raised by archaeologists worldwide, concerning the mystery disappearances of other great cultures, in the Americas and elsewhere. Perhaps the disappearance of the Uru and their civilisation was due to many progressive causes over a vast period of time.

Yet what became of the people themselves? Certainly they would have inter-mixed with the peoples they influenced beyond Australia, but their final disappearance in Australia remains an unsolved mystery, lost in the drifting sands of the silent Australian landscape. Heather and I continue to uncover new sites of the Uru around Australia, and as our work progresses we will undoubtedly find answers to many of the puzzles surrounding this remarkable people, altering previous conclusions.

Australantis is rising from its long submergence in the swirling mists of time, and the lost gods of old Uru are returning as each is revealed with the discovery of every faded rock inscription that bears their names. The hitherto unknown names of kings and queens of the true Atlantis - Uru, are also emerging from the rock inscriptions, to reveal highly organised kingdoms ruled by monarchs who in many cases, appear to have wielded considerable power. The dates involved is one problem awaiting a solution. We can at least presently assign these rulers to any of the eight identified Uruan script developments [ie see Introduction].

The time periods in which each of these scripts were in use are considerable, and for now there is no way to narrow them down to obtain any idea of the lengths of reigns of individual monarchs. There is evidence that isolated Uruan populations persisted in Australia to a surprisingly late period. Long after the Bronze-Age had given way to that of the Iron, by 2000 years ago and later, Irish Celts preserved traditions of the “lost paradise” that lay in the southernmost region of the world, ruled over by a race of superior beings who were devotees of the Serpent Cult, and which the Celtic peoples generally regarded as their ancestors, the Uruans.

These traditions were still commonplace in the 3rd century AD. In the 12th century and before, many largely unsung Mediaeval European traders and travellers
penetrated to Asian ports, sailing much farther afield than the over-rated Marco Polo [1254-1324] to reach Australia, and it also appears, New Zealand. These unknown epic voyages are fully described in my book“Pyramids in the Pacific”. These brave seafarers returned to Europe with tales of the “Lost Paradise” and the race of ‘idolators’ who lived there. Such reports persisted as late as the 15th century.

One ‘unknown’ voyage to these shores is that of Sir Owain Miles, a Welsh knight who had served King Stephen of Blois, who ruled England from 1135-1154. In 1155 with a large retinue of followers, and having crossed over Europe, Sir Owain Miles sailed from the Red Sea with two or three ships in search of the “Lost
Paradise”. His expedition sailed first to India, and after replenishing supplies, voyaged southward. After many adventures in island south-east Asia the vessels reached the ‘Lost Paradise’, “a land of heat and flies” as Sir Owain Miles aptly described Australia!

The Welshmen appear to have landed somewhere in Australia’s far north, where they meet up with numbers of black men, and strange birds and animals. Venturing further, along what appears to be our east coast, they explore deep inland where they meet a priestly caste of men. Nearby stretches a great lake, amid which there rises a spiral mount [or could it have been a terraced pyramid?], around which they observe people walking to the summit to receive spiritual enlightenment [they are informed]. Where might this spiral mount amid the lake have been? And who were the mysterious inhabitants?

Had Sir Owain Miles and his followers come upon a surviving Uruan culture centre? His expedition sailed on, returning home after a ten-year absence with his incredible tale. Yet it is not the only one of its kind from that era. Perhaps the Uruan culture still survived in widely-scattered areas in its final days, yet though their passing went unnoticed, their forebears had long before laid the foundations of modern civilisation

Pyramydal Hills
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