URU-The Lost Civilisation of Australia
Excerpts From The Book-Chapter 2
Australian Genesis - Birth of the Star-Watchers

Rex Gilroy standing beside the second granite head situated 15 m from the Nim head
This image is that of "Nif"- The Uruan Earth Mother Goddess
Both heads display great age

URU-The Lost Civilisation of Australia-Book Cover

Ancient Australian Genesis - Birth of the Star-Watchers

Scattered across the Australian landscape stand great grey stones weathered with age, arranged in a variety of formations; circles, alignments, single standing stones, tombs and temples; granduous monolithic structures forming great culture centres of religious and astronomical importance, whose construction would have demanded architectural planning on a grand scale, and the participation of thousands of labourers. They are the megaliths, the monuments of a long-vanished race that once spread its advanced Stone-Age culture across the earth from the Australian/West Pacific Islands northwards to the furthest reaches of Asia and westwards across Europe.

Rex Stone Alignment Fallen Menhir
Uruan Pear Shaped Circle
Pear Circle
Uruan Pear Shaped Circle
Pear Circle

Large Uruan Altar Stone
Large Uruan Altar Stone
Large altar stone erected amid a crumbling Uru culture centre
in the Flinders Ranges, SA. Photo © Rex Gilroy 2004.

Large Stone Circle Stone Circle
I-na the Bird of the Sun Altar Stone I-na Eagle Altar Stone
Nim the Uruan God of the Sun Head of Nim

Carved Head of "Nim" - God of the Sun






Ancient Australian Genesis - Birth of the Star-Watchers[continued]

They were the work of the earliest civilisation known to mankind. Who the builders were, their achievements, and why they vanished are mysteries that have long perplexed scholars. No official systematic census has as yet been carried out on these monuments, but at least 50,000 of them are known throughout Western Europe alone. Thousands more stand across mainland and island Southeast Asia, with the largest concentration in the world in Australia.

Their construction is unparalleled in human history, surpassing even the more sophisticated structures of the later civilisations of Mesopotamia, the Middle-East or the Americas. The epicentre of this civilisation’s origins is also a mystery to researchers. For generations all scholarly investigation of the megalithic culture has centred upon the Asian-European sites with emphasis on Europe; those of Australia being overlooked.

Recent scientific dating techniques establish the age of England’s Stonehenge and France’s Carnac megalithic structures at around 3000 BC. The stone arrangements, megalithic tombs and temples of Malta, and parts of Eastern Europe are dated to 4500 BC, while the datings for those of central Asia, India, southern China, Japan and island south-east Asia, vary between 5000 and 8000 BC.

Somewhere between 4000 and 13000 BC, megalithic monuments were being erected in New Guinea and some neighbouring Melanesian islands, while those in Australia date back at least between 30,000 and 50,000 years, with extensive sites in the central west of NSW possibly the earliest built on Earth. These facts imply that the first civilisation arose in Australia.

Temple Site Heather Gilroy Standing on a Fallen mMarker?

The fact that vast numbers of people could be organised in the erection of the Australian megaliths implies an organised society, directed by a priestly caste, and ruled by monarchs who must have wielded considerable power, supported by a warrior class; God-Kings of the Stone-Age - rulers whose power would only dim with the onset of the Bronze-Age and the coming of the mineral-seeking explorer-colonists from the Old World.

I postulate that, once the first modern humans [as already stated in Chapter One], had arisen in Ice-Age Australia, they were fascinated by the stars and wondered what they were; the movements of the Sun and Moon; and the seasonal climatic changes. And gradually was born a primitive nature-worship. The inhabitants, both the above people and Aboriginal, would have observed how quickly plants grew from the earth after rainfall. In their simplicity they imagined the earth as a female, the great Earth-Mother; frequently fertilised by the rain [ie semen] of a great Sky-Father, to give birth to all plant, animal and human life. In time, as the importance of sunlight in the cycle of life was realised, the worshippers came to believe the Earth-Mother and Sky-Father had produced a child, the Sun-God, depicted as a serpent in all ancient cultures.

In the course of their fascination with the heavens, these primitive star-gazers would have observed the rising and setting of the Sun, Moon and Stars, and that they often rose in alignment with certain natural features; a mountain peak, large rock etc.; and this led to a primitive ‘star cult’, the worshippers erecting their own stone markers in line with natural formations, with which the Sun, Moon or whatever planetary body rose in alignment.

Open spaces, the summits of hills and mountaintops, became gathering-places for the star worshippers, which in time became the scenes of associated ceremonies. Parallel with the erection of the first standing stones came the first attempts at recording the heavenly movements in stone; engravings depicting the phases of the moon, crude star maps describing star clusters and individual planets, comets and other obscure astronomical events.

By the time more extensive megalithic stone alignments and other elaborate astronomical structures were being erected, mere fascination with the heavens had been replaced by a growing astronomical science, which by at least 45,000 years ago appears to have been quite extensive. Modern-day observations at the Australian megalithic sites erected by the Uruans, suggests that they were already aware of the Summer and Winter Solstices [22nd December and 22nd June respectively] at a very remote period.

At what stage the Uruans came by this knowledge is uncertain, although as with any other complex calculations, records had to have already existed, implying the existence of a written language. Countless examples of this written language survives, scattered upon rock faces throughout the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, NSW, often alongside star maps at astronomical observation sites, where obscure constellation symbols occur, among which, it appears, were recognised an altar, pyramid-temple, ship, eagle, emu, serpent and apparently, the Southern Cross, among others.

Yet of all the astronomical symbols engraved by this people, the Sun is predominant. Altar stones and images of this important life-giving deity lie scattered across Australia, and sacrifices were offered up to Him from a very remote period. Gigantic crude stone temples to Nim the Sun are a feature of every major megalithic site standing across the continent, and there is hardly any early Uruan astronomical inscription in which He is not mentioned; and it is certain that He was, as the child of the Earth-Mother and Sky-Father, a member of the first Trinity.

Nim: The Uruan God Of The Sun
Nim: The Uruan God Of The Sun
Nim: The Uruan God Of The Sun
Nim: The Uruan God Of The Sun

His name is engraved everywhere Uruan megalithic culture centres are found, from Western Australia to the Red Centre; Tasmania to Cape York; New Guinea and island Melanesia to New Zealand and the Americas; northwards beyond Australia to India; and the Near-East to Western Europe; for like ‘Uru’, His name, in a host of variations, follows the ghostly trail of megaliths wherever they are found across the earth. In the rise of the Uru in the dawn mists of Australia’s hidden history and their fascination with the heavens, there was born not only the mother of all later civilisations, but a religion whose deities and associated philosophies would, in centuries to come, influence the growth of all the solar-based religions of antiquity and ultimately Christianity itself.

Much of what this author has learnt of Uruan religion has come from the Blue Mountains NSW rock inscriptions over many years. The names of deities and their functions, often inscribed upon rocks at what remains of their open-air temples and shrines or astronomical observatories, and these names have turned up at interstate sites as well as in New Zealand in the course of my field investigations.

What I have uncovered to date is a pantheon of deities which continues to grow, and which shows that this people had developed a religion of great complexity, the like of which could only have been the creation of a civilisation of high standing. Paramount of all Uruan deities was the Supreme Being, the Sky-Father Ay-i [also known as Ahi and Aea], a word variant of ‘Aryan’.

His name was also inscribed as Ki, the same word of the later Indo-Aryan language for “life force”. It was He who created the universe within a great cosmic egg and brought all earthly life into existence beginning in the land of Uru, where He created an earthly paradise. To tend His paradise and all the creatures in it, He breathed life into the soil to create Nif, the Earth-Mother Goddess.

To light His world, Ay-i mated with Nif to produce his children; Nim, the Sun-God to bring life-giving light and warmth by day; and Ara, the Moon-Goddess, to bring illumination at night, and light the way to the underworld for those who died at night.

Nif: The Uruan Earth-Mother Goddess
Nif: The Uruan Earth-Mother Goddess

Nif bore her children in a cave in the east, from where Nim rose each morning to cross the sky to the west, from where he travelled to the underworld to sleep [or as some believed, to die] then rise again in the east. The Underworld was created by Ay-i as the abode of the dead, over which he appointed Ashar as god of death and darkness, and “god of the sleeping sun” [when Nim was resting in his domain].

In order to give his son Nim protection both during his traverse of the heavens and while sleeping at night in the Underworld, he appointed I-na the eagle as Nim’s protector, thus I-na, the Eagle of the Sun, carried Nim in his beak across the sky each day. I-na also protected the egg containing the Universe, as he is shown in some engravings carrying the cosmic egg within his beak.

When not depicted as a disc, Nim was described in the form of a serpent, the symbol of Nim’s life-giving rays in Uruan religion. The Serpent was the guardian of knowledge and sometimes became a phallic symbol; his name, both as a minor deity and species, was Ra-na.

The hot light of Nim created the Fire-God, Aru, whom Ay-i placed under Nim’s control. New South Wales and Queensland inscriptions refer to him as both Aru, Ura, and Aka, while in eastern South Australia and the Northern Territory he was Aru and in Western Australia, Waru: all variants of the word ‘Aryan’.

Fertility celebrations centred around Ay-i, Nim and Nif, but also the Phallic god, Wa-na-ma; and guarding the deities at all times was Ga-na, Protector of the Gods, depicted as either a kangaroo or wallaby.

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