URU - The Lost Civilisation of Australia Uruan face and Script
Uru Home Heather and Rex Gilroy
Rex & Heather Gilroy Photograph copyright © Greg 2008

This page consists of Expeditions Locating and Mapping Uruan Megalithic Sites throughout Australia & New Zealand
New South Wales
Sydney Area
West Head
Mona Vale
Terry Hills
Baulkham Hills
Winston Hills

Rex & Heather

Major URUAN Astronomical Site

A series of Astronomical centres across the Sydney region.

These sites have been utilised by the Aborigines peoples after the URU had left the area.

Scientists who have recorded the area claim they are Aboriginal astronomical areas/sites.

Yet, the evidence at the sites clearly show an earlier form of script and carvings not known to the Aborigines

Such as the obvious sun/disk carvings, showing they are Nim Astronomical worship centre/sites.

To see more Images
click below links

Sydney Script Mainpage

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |



The URU Astronomical Discovery 2008. All Photographs copyright © Greg 2009
URU Astronomy Site
Sydney Uru Discovery URU Astronomy Site

In a National Park north-west of Sydney are a series of extensive sites which include Aboriginal carvings and Uruan script.

URU Astronomy Site
Sydney Uru Discovery URU Astronomy Site

In a National Park north-west of Sydney are a series of extensive sites which include Aboriginal carvings and Uruan script.

URU Astronomy Site
Sydney Uru Discovery URU Astronomy Site

In a National Park north-west of Sydney are a series of extensive sites which include Aboriginal carvings and Uruan script.

URU Astronomy Site
Sydney Uru Discovery URU Astronomy Site
Libationh Bowl

In a National Park north-west of Sydney are a series of extensive sites which include Aboriginal carvings and Uruan script.

URU Astronomy Site
Sydney Uru Discovery URU Astronomy Site

In a National Park north-west of Sydney are a series of extensive sites which include Aboriginal carvings and Uruan script.

URU Astronomy Site
Sydney Uru Discovery URU Astronomy Site

In a National Park north-west of Sydney are a series of extensive sites which include Aboriginal carvings and Uruan script.


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Entire Web site © Rex & Heather Gilroy 2008
URU Publications ® ™ Rex & Heather Gilroy
All Rights Reserved

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